Sunday, April 9, 2023

'Were You There'?


Time travel anyone?  Where were you?  'Were you there when they crucified my Lord'?  

Suppose you were there that terrible day on Calvary.  A day, you'd recall, when He didn't ask anything of us. The day was a matter between the Father and the Son - being done, please note, for you and me.  

There had been a slew of activity, all leading to the big event.  The supper, his last, had happened.  People, some supposed to be friends, had already lied to and about him.  Souvenir seekers tugged at his tattered clothes; some others were there for pure ridicule, the few cried, one sought salvation in the touch of His garment, as He walked alone in the throng. The people had witnessed other poor souls being crucified, some hanging there for weeks -  few, even, receiving their just punishment.  But now.  This? 

What was all the commotion about?  People mumbling, 'who told on him'; which of his supposed friends blabbed to the Romans'?   What's he's supposed to have done, anyway; don't they even have to name the crime?  Did you stay around to find out?  

After a while they cut him down.  They took his body to a tomb; rolled a stone over the opening, closing the grave shut.  That was that.  It was late in the afternoon.  Most people, among the few still there, thought it was time to go home.  Where were you?  Did you go or stay?

A few days would pass, three exact.  Then:  He Rises From The Grave!  All things start anew.  Where were you?  Where are you now? 

 When you're by the Bay, remember, bring your Bible.

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