Monday, November 18, 2024

Somehow Things Got Away

     Today is Tuesday; the next day is Saturday. The Moon comes up in the daytime, and the Sun rises in the west.  The waters of the Chesapeake Bay flow south to north.  Everything is transformed,  fundamentally; life as we know it has been changed.  God is no longer in charge! 

      "Don't be silly, all this crazy talk; you're living in a fantasy world".

    Two problems here:  1.  The previous statements are preposterous.  2.  As preposterous as the previous statements are, say something long enough, with enough fervor, and many people will believe it - no matter how actually absurd.  Absurdity, though, is increasingly the norm in too much of 21st century America.  In the culture writ large almost everything has become more complicated; things are ever more opaque and, sadly, for more and more of us, more confusing.  Many folks aren't handling just ordinary things very well.  The daily mathematics of American society has started to outrun many of us, like an algebra problem we have no clue about  the answer to.  Our younger folks, especially, they don't seem equipped to handle things - ordinary things:  school, personal hygiene, social interactions .  It's an AI world now, yet you'd thing too many Americans are still counting on our fingers.  Some ultra-social- change advocates, however, care not that their ideas and utterances are preposterous, they just keep on repeating them, over and over and over again.   

     They, no matter who, can blab all day long; yet, no matter how long these 'transformers' might continue their onslaughts on one and one is two, a boy will still be a boy, a girl a girl. up still up, and non-sense still non-sense.  Over the last few years a whole industry designed to  transform America has sprung up; a lot of it around the Washington, DC government-corporate-non-profit complex.  The motivations driving many of these social reformers are as numerous as the individuals or groups doing the advocating.  Some of it is truly sincere:  people who genuinely believe the human experiment in America has gone all wrong.  Too  much of the energy driving many of the reformers, though, is simply pure hatred of anything they see as, white people continuing their control over much of the world, period. 

     One thing is for sure, there is big money and associated power in directing change, in creating social upheaval.  Oddly, though, many of the changes so many change advocates would have you and me follow, are things they would never trumpet for their own family and friends.  Beyond money, true believers shout from the heart.  They really believe what they're advocating - who cares that centuries-old facts no longer hold, that biological sex is just a social construct, that same sex marriage is fine (it's all about who you love, you know), even that it ain't no God, no more.

     The most insidious thread of all, in this tapestry to re-do America, are popular figures who use their favor to advocate for the destruction of what is perhaps the most successful social/human experiment in the long history of civilization - this United States of America.  Say what you will, this is the worse country in the world; except all the others.  Yet, there are those who hate what is America, for all kinds of personal reasons; some as flimsy as their belief that America 'wronged' some member of their blood  family - their mother, or a 'crazy uncle'. 

    This is the Chesapeake Bay region.   Along the shores of the Bay there's still generally a good feeling about the country.  This, still, as many elites want to fundamentally transform our nation, our entire way of life.  These ultra sophisticated policy mavens aren't normally much seen or heard on the shore, although they still like to travel down to the country (where the 'plain folk' live) on weekends, from their liberal/progressive perches in and around Washington, and its surrounding left leaning Maryland and Virginia counties.  Us shore folk, nonetheless, welcome them all (and their dollars), most of the time.

     What is usually not being addressed is the wholesale largely open question:  transform America to what?  For answers, we've only gotten platitudes and word salads.  If the answers that do eventually come are the progressive prescriptions being so widely advertised - same sex this or that, bathroom escapades, children making life or death decisions before they learn to clean-up their rooms, people running uncontrolled across our borders - than these are dangerously bad answers.  They are answers that rip apart and strip away the common glues that bind American culture,  and day-to-day being, together.

      So much of the transformation talk would be completely outlandish in a more grounded culture.  Yet, our TicTok culture is not friendly to being grounded to much of anything except, perhaps, the world of Xs and Os.  Repeat anything long enough, and enough people will, sadly, attach themselves to it, just as they attach to their smart phones. The newest things come at people so fast, almost everyday, there's no time for grounded thought and reflection.  People never have the chance to take hold of much of anything, and certainly not any re-establishment of old common sense.  It's the newest thing we're program to want, that is until the next newest thing appears; prescribe by the algorithms assigned to us.

     I'm not a prude, far from one.  Neither are most of the people living around the Bay, as changing norms will attest.  Some things, though, simply make no sense.  I'm not out to trample on anyone's freedoms and ranges of being.  Still, some things make no sense, never have -  really never can be.  The loud voices, with their sophisticated campaigns wanting us to fundamentally rip apart our albeit not perfect American culture, would, over time, certainly tear apart the culture and the country; eventually eroding the building blocks of our collective societal sanity, one block, one person, at a time. In time most of us would  certainly be transformed; but, I'm still asking; to what?

     Some things are, truly, just what they are.  He made it that way.  Thank God.











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